Judi AWinall, M.Div.

PsychoSpiritual Mentor/Teacher

           ~ Soul Empowerment is the inner process of Self discovery 
    which allows you to deeply see, reclaim and utilize  
                               the innate power inherent within you.

             This transformational journey is uniquely individual and 
                              will bring a greater understanding of
                       who you really are and how you can create 
   the life you truly desire. ~           

Whatever is happening in your life experience is somehow related to and influenced by what you hold in your consciousness. You may or may not be consciously aware of what this is. When you are not aware… it can create stress, confusion, anxiety, fear, resistance, anger, depression or a sense of feeling unempowered around life experiences. This lack of awareness can promote a sense of futility around changing your life.

Understanding ‘how’ you create your reality is the basis for Soul Empowerment. You cannot create what fulfills you unless you understand the mechanics of how to do it. Recognizing and understanding the underlying beliefs and perspectives which initiate your emotions and behaviors are the essential first steps. The next step is discerning what you choose to focus upon as well as how you identify yourself.

Similar to being an artist (who paints), once you understand how to use the tools you work with (canvas, brushes, paint, etc.) you can set about exploring and creating whatever you want. If you do not know ‘how’ to use these tools, it becomes quite difficult to create what you envision.

The order in which any event happens:

There are perceptual patterns in your consciousness which come from previous experiences, early childhood conditioning, societal norms, educational standards, religious background, etc. which are held so deep you are not usually conscious of them. These patterns and beliefs form parameters around ‘what’ you experience and ‘how’ you experience it. Many times, these limited perceptions create discord in your life because they no longer resonate with who you have become.

When there is discord between what you have been taught or conditioned to believe and what you have come to know through your own experience, there is conflict within. It’s like two different energies or forces vying for power and it can be tremendously uncomfortable and distressing.

These are the tools needed for Soul Empowerment and conscious co-creating.  

Realizing that experiences do not happen from the outside, but are initiated from the inside through ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions which then promote actions and/or behaviors, will assist you in becoming more empowered & actualized. Seeing life, health or experiences as happening to you or being caused by something outside of yourself promotes an orientation of feeling unempowered as well as victimized.

You have the power within you to direct your own life! Recognizing and understanding the influence coming from the subconscious realm (where perceptual patterning and beliefs are stored) is essential, so you can choose to consciously resolve any conflicting perceptions which create discord within.

PsychoSpiritual mentoring guides and supports you in becoming a ‘deliberate creator’. You are the only one who can determine how you will live your life. Your choices determine your reality.

Contact me at [email protected] if you would like set up a free 15 minute consultation and see if psychospiritual mentoring can be helpful for you.

Reflections of Spirit in Nature 
click to watch

Photograph by Judi A. Winall © 2024
Photograph by Judi A. Winall © 2024
Website designed by Judi A. Winall

Copyright © 2024 Judi A. Winall. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce in whole or in part in any form.
 All photographs are the original work of Judi A. Winall.